My Writing

In this part of my website, you will find my writing. I will add more categories as they become necessary.

You can access each category directly using the My Writing drop down menu at the top of the page or click the images below.

Blog Articles

newspaper, article, journal-3324168.jpg

You can read my blog posts in this section. I will try to keep articles coming in a semi-regular fashion. These blog posts will likely all be shared on my writer’s Facebook page. Click the image above to visit the page.


If I find something good on another site or social media post, I may ask the original poster if I can share it here. I will always include credit to the original poster at the top of any such article as well as a link back to the original if possible. I think that indie writers should support one another. A win for one is a win for us all. We are not competitors here. I buy books from many writers, and I hope that they will buy mine (assuming I ever finish it … lol).

Short Stories

Sometimes I get flashes of inspiration that get stuck in my head. The only way to get them off the endless loop in my mind is to write them down. Here is where you will find some of the ideas that my imagination has used to occupy my mind.


They are usually written in a short time frame with minimal editing. When I say “minimal editing”, I mean that I run a spelling and grammar check in Word and read it one last time before calling it finished. You will find errors, both grammatical and artistic. Please try to overlook them and just enjoy the story.


Click the image to read my stories.

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