
Articles, short stories, And other literary adventures

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The 3rd Day

He did not stay, Inside the tomb. Just like we don't, Stay in the womb...


0 Facebook 0 Twitter 0 Linkedin 0 Pinterest 0 Facebook-messenger 0 Email Dead So that you may look down inside,I will make a bold confession.I am absolutely consumed,Living a life with depression.  ...

The Mask She Wears

She whispers falsehoods, spins her web of lies, Her husband's honor tarnished by her cries...

Grace on Repeat

Like the cycle of life, the grace of God repeats throughout every generation until the rolling up of the scroll...

Second Place

She will always choose something or someone else, yet he waits for the day he will be first...

Shadows of Allegiance

Generations would come to remember the tale of King Aldric and Prince Caelum, a story of betrayal and redemption that echoed throughout the stars...

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